

Updates are probably quite painfully infrequent so far, and the seven assignments i have due in the next three weeks aren't going to help that :).

However, i do have 6 weeks midyear break after my assessment and will probably poor the majority of that spare time into this comic, so yes, updates are coming and will be more frequent in the near future. Stay tuned, and if you read and enjoyed don't hesitate to leave us a shout in the box to the left.



Page 7 is Live.


As was subtly implied above, Page 7 is Live.
Or, at least, it is posted. It should appear shortly, after negotiating the inner workings of the ComicGenesis auto-posting system. There may be an intermediary period where the Page 7 teaser actually shows Page 6.
If you find this to be the case, write to your Federal Government Representative.



Pages 7 and 8


Due to studies i've had very little time to illustrate any of the next 6 pages that Robert has already scripted.
Seven and Eight should be released in the next couple of days though :) Thanks for reading.



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