
Page 24 is now up.
Additionally, we've listed ourselves with yet another webcomic site. This one requires votes in order for us to progress: your votes. At different times we'll provide various incentives for you to do so - wallpapers, concept art and the like - but for now the sheer joy of participating in a democratic process will have to be enough. The button is just there to the left and down... bit further... little bit more.... too far!.. there you go.

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One Year Anniversary


This week marks a fairly important milestone for us here at la Vie de la Mort: the comic is now One Year Old!
We'd like to express our thanks to all of you who have supported us during this time, even if that only means stopping by and reading occasionally. Without the knowledge that our readership has been steadily growing it would have been much harder to get motivated to actually do this thing.

To celebrate we'll be having cake. I suggest you all do the same.

This is a special image we intended to display for the duration of our trip to South America. Because of our many and varied ineptitudes, it never made it up, but here it is!





Page Twenty Three.
I put this one together, as I used to do before my various calamities and adventures. I finally have the internet put on in my new flat, after two months haranguing and arguing with the I.S.P. My computer is still out of commission, mostly because I'm too poor to do anything about it.
But enough about me: go read the comic already!


Survivalist Atom Lollies


now that i've grabbed your attention with the vastly irrelevant title of this post...

page 22 is up! cheer. scripts and drawings for 23 on the way...
thanks for looking.


May 2007   June 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   October 2007   November 2007   December 2007   January 2008   February 2008   March 2008   April 2008   May 2008   June 2008   July 2008  

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