End of Episode One


Page 33 brings us to the end of Episode One of 'la Vie de la Mort'. We only recently decided to break the story up into episodes, which I'm using as an excuse (Excuse for what? Well. I'm not sure, but I have the strong impression I need one).

The plan is that over the next 10 day cycle we will post two new pages, the first being kind of a recap of what has transpired thus far, the second being the title page for Episode Two. After that we launch back into the story. I'm excited.

I hope everyone is enjoying the new site layout? We'd love to hear from you, about that or anything else.

'til next we meet


New Site Design!


As some of the more observant among you may have noticed, we have just rebuilt the 'la Vie de la Mort' website.
Luke and I are moderately proud of our efforts here, but we can only be really proud once we know it's working for as many people as possible. We've tried to make it functional across a range of aspect ratios, internet browsers and operating systems, but we're new at this. This new page is only the second I've ever really built (the first being the old page) so I would really love any feedback at all, in particular anything to do with basic functionality.
The site remains a work in progress. We'll be adding a few of the extra buttons and things that were on the old page (the comic related sites and so forth) as well as beginning work on the secondary pages that either have nothing or still appear in the old style.

So enjoy the new set-up. Leave any related comments or questions in the comments to this post, if you could.

There'll be a new page on the 30th, as well as a new vote incentive. Don't forget to vote in the mean-time, though!





Page 32 is now online.

This, if all goes according to plan, is the penultimate page of la Vie de la Mort Episode One. The difference between Episodes One and Two is fairly arbitrary at this point - there will be no break in production (though there may be an extra page thrown in at some point shortly), rest assured.

In this page our characters come full circle, geographically at least, and return to the alley where the initial murder took place. Once you've read this page go back and check out how the alley looked in pages 1 through 4, and be impressed at how much more awesome Luke's art has become.

We've come a long way, folks, but we've got a lot further to go.


Dr. Horrible


I don't normally plug other things in this space, but I'd really like to recommend everyone check out Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
It is a tremendous example of what is possible for web-based content: made on no budget in no time with just a handful of extremely talented (and OK, famous and influential) people involved.

Tell your friends (and mention la Vie de la Mort at the same time why don't you!)


thirty one (L)


kind of had some trouble with the line art on this page, not really sure why. oh wells it worked out okay.

Next page theres some OOC* action!! We're considering doing some website upgrades soon.
Thanks for the views and the voting too.

*out of car


thirty one

Page thirty one (31)!

I wish I had more news, but I don't!

Keep voting!




Page 30!
We just put up a new vote incentive - Get clicking guys! This is how democracy should work: vote early, vote often. It's not numbers that count but enthusiasm!

'Til next time


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