Hey all.
It's been a while since I left you guys anything, and I thought I'd explain why.
Mostly it's because I've just moved interstate from Sydney, New South Wales to Brisbane, Queensland (this is Australia we're talking about for our international chums). Though I've been up here a few weeks now my ISP of choice is taking longer - *much* longer - than anticipated to get it's act together and my connection connected. Additionally, my computer is still kaput, and though my flatmates rig is perfectly serviceable... it's not mine. So my writing is slowing down with unfamiliarity and the odd sensation of cheating on my old, sickly laptop.
So, despite a good run of a couple of weeks of regular updates, we're back to old habits.
So subscribe to our RSS (or whatever subscription service takes your fancy, look under the chatbox for options) and that way you will get the new page delivered right to you, hot from the ethereal presses.
Hang in there!