Happy New Year from both of us here at la Vie de la Mort.
To celebrate, here's a new page! Hooray!
New vote incentive is now available! New page soon!
Merry Christmas from La Vie De La Mort.

Here's something I did instead of real page work.
Page 39 and a new vote incentive are on the way!
Finally, we have a new page! I don't think any of us expected the break to last quite this long, but no matter - we have a new page for you as of now!
Go tell your friends about us - it counts as a Christmas present, I promise.
Sorry it's been such a big gap guys. Uni is done and I've settled into holiday mode now so we've got the next page ready. We're waiting on the 20th to post it though so as to keep consistent with our normal cycle.
This also gives Robert time to finalize the script for page 39 and perhaps for me to get a bit of a head start on illustrating it.
With page 38 will come a new vote incentive desktop wallpaper.
Thanks to those of you who've been checking back with us from time to time to see if we're back up and running again. Come visit us on the 20th and it'll be there for you.